anduin@builder:~$ cat ./ #!/bin/bash # (refactored without tmux) # Script Purpose: # 1) For each branch in the list: # a) Switch to the branch, ensure local code is up-to-date (clean -fdx, reset --hard, pull) # b) Check if there are new commits in the past 24 hours # - If yes, a build is required # - If no but the last build was more than a week ago, a forced build is required # - Otherwise, skip # c) If a build is required, run in the current session, # then copy build artifacts from ./src/dists/* to ~/built// # # Additional requirements: # - Do NOT build branches in parallel. Must finish one before moving to the next. # - If no build is needed, do NOT remove any existing build artifacts. # - Provide more logs rather than comments. REPO_DIR="$HOME/anduinos" SRC_DIR="$REPO_DIR/src" BUILD_SCRIPT="$SRC_DIR/" BASE_BUILT_DIR="$HOME/built" # Branch list (example: 1.1 & 1.2) BRANCHES=("1.0" "1.1" "1.2") # Print an error message and exit error_exit() { echo "[$(date)] ERROR: $1" >&2 # Infinite sleep to keep the container running for debugging sleep 99999999 } # Function to check and build a specific branch check_and_build_branch() { local branch_name=$1 echo "[$(date)] INFO: Start checking branch: $branch_name" local last_build_file="$HOME/.last_build_date_${branch_name}" # Switch to the repository directory echo "[$(date)] INFO: Changing directory to $REPO_DIR" cd "$REPO_DIR" || error_exit "Cannot change directory to $REPO_DIR" echo "[$(date)] INFO: Reset and fetch latest code from remote" git reset --hard HEAD git fetch echo "[$(date)] INFO: Switching to branch $branch_name" git switch "$branch_name" || error_exit "Failed to switch to branch $branch_name" echo "[$(date)] INFO: Pulling latest code" git pull || error_exit "Failed to pull latest code on branch $branch_name" # Check if new commit exists in the past 24 hours local BUILD_REQUIRED=false if git log -1 --since="24 hours ago" "$branch_name" > /dev/null 2>&1; then BUILD_REQUIRED=true echo "[$(date)] INFO: Found new commits in the past 24 hours for branch $branch_name" else # Check last build time if [ -f "$last_build_file" ]; then local last_build_date last_build_date=$(cat "$last_build_file") local last_build_epoch last_build_epoch=$(date -d "$last_build_date" +%s) local current_epoch current_epoch=$(date +%s) local seven_days_ago=$(( current_epoch - 7*86400 )) if [ "$last_build_epoch" -lt "$seven_days_ago" ]; then BUILD_REQUIRED=true echo "[$(date)] INFO: No recent commits, but last build on $last_build_date is older than 7 days; forcing a build." else echo "[$(date)] INFO: No new commits for branch $branch_name, and last build is within a week. Skipping build." fi else BUILD_REQUIRED=true echo "[$(date)] INFO: No last_build_date record found. Forcing a build." fi fi # If build is required, proceed if [ "$BUILD_REQUIRED" = true ]; then echo "[$(date)] INFO: Build is required for branch $branch_name" (cd "$SRC_DIR" && bash "$BUILD_SCRIPT" --langs fast) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "[$(date)] INFO: Build script completed successfully" echo "[$(date)] INFO: Removing old artifacts under $BASE_BUILT_DIR/$branch_name" rm -rf "$BASE_BUILT_DIR/$branch_name" mkdir -p "$BASE_BUILT_DIR/$branch_name" # Copy artifacts echo "[$(date)] INFO: Moving build artifacts from $SRC_DIR/dists to $BASE_BUILT_DIR/$branch_name" mv "$SRC_DIR/dist/"* "$BASE_BUILT_DIR/$branch_name"/ # Update last build date date +"%Y-%m-%d" > "$last_build_file" echo "[$(date)] INFO: Updated last build date record for branch $branch_name" else error_exit "Build script failed for branch $branch_name" fi else echo "[$(date)] INFO: No build needed for branch $branch_name. Keeping existing artifacts." fi } # MAIN FLOW # Process each branch in sequence to avoid parallel builds. for branch in "${BRANCHES[@]}"; do check_and_build_branch "$branch" done echo "[$(date)] INFO: All branches processed. Script completed."